If you’ve been curious about the name of breakthrough act Cat Dealers, wonder no more. “We have nine cats at our home,” say Luiz Guilherme and Pedro Henrique So everyone that goes there, we ask if they want a cat. That’s why we are the Cat Dealers.” That’s cleared that one up, then.The feline-mad duo are on a winning streak in their native Brazil and further afield too, thanks to a slick line in electro-house production. Cat Dealers’ 2016 remix of Tom Novy’s handbag house hit ‘Your Body’ in particular brought them to a larger global fan-base, and this year they’ve set their sights on the commercial market. “We’ve been doing more pop stuff as you can see, and focusing on our main label party, Cat House,” they say.
Instagram: instagram.com/catdealers
Twitter: twitter.com/cat_dealers